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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate June 22 to July 2 New insights

The confidence you possess increases and leads to new understanding. You get on very well with people and experience very few problems. You’re able to use this time to rest and reflect; you need to see it as an opportunity to make the most of your new-found insights, making sure you use them in the best way by turning them into real plans for your future.

Second Decanate July 3 to July 12 Pleasant everyday life

Everyday life is very appealing; you seem to be getting along famously well with everyone you encounter or come into contact with. Enjoy yourself; you’re in position to reap much goodwill and support from everyone you meet. Use this positive energy, liberate yourself from any hassle and eventually you can enjoy more peace and quiet.

Third Decanate July 13 to July 22 Binding relationships

Made to feel welcome and easily accepted by everyone you meet, make sure to return the love receive in equal measure, and you’re able to win over people who become life-long friends. With such a welcoming and positive attitude toward the people you meet, there is even a chance that you discover 'the one' love interest that previously eluded you.